
Trademark Guidelines

The TASER brand is famous around the world and Axon is the exclusive owner of hundreds of TASER trademark registrations across the globe. To protect our trademark, avoid confusion, and help us continue our mission to Protect Life, the TASER trademark must be used properly at all times. Please review and remember the following requirements regarding use of our TASER trademark.

  1. The TASER trademark can only be used in connection with genuine TASER brand products and services offered by Axon. Do not use the TASER trademark with any other third-party product or service.

  2. Always use the TASER trademark in the following format:

    • The TASER trademark is an acronym and must always be capitalized.

    • As an adjective, the TASER trademark must always be followed by a generic name or model and never in the plural or possessive form. For example, “TASER energy weapon” or “TASER device” are proper uses including a generic name. “TASER 10” or “TASER Bolt 2” are proper uses including the model.

  3. Never incorporate the TASER trademark into your company name or the name of your product or service, nor in a manner that would imply Axon’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third-party product or service.

  4. If you wish to reference the TASER trademark or a TASER brand product or service, include the following trademark notice on the web page or collateral where the TASER trademark is used:

    • TASER is a trademark of Axon Enterprise, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. For more information about Axon’s trademarks, visit

For questions regarding Axon’s trademarks or other intellectual property, please e-mail us at For general information on trademarks and trademark use, the International Trademark Association provides a great resource at

Logo History

Explore how our iconic TASER Brand logos have evolved with the technology.

AIR TASER Logo (1993)

First introduced in connection with the AIR TASER 34000, the “AIR TASER Logo” depicted the words "AIR TASER" with a bolt of electricity passing horizontally through the letters.

Bolt on Ball Logo (1999)

The “Bolt on Ball Logo” was first introduced together with the ADVANCED TASER M26 and depicts a three-dimensional, raised sphere with a lightning bolt breaking through the sphere. The “Bolt on Ball Logo” is still in use today, including on cartridges compatible with TASER X1 and TASER X26P.

Bolt on Western Hemisphere Logo (2003)

Launching with the TASER X26, the “Bolt on Western Hemisphere Logo” consisted of a world globe with a lightning bolt striking through the center.

Bolt on Circle Logo (2007)

The “Bolt on Circle Logo” depicts a circle with a lightning bolt through the center. This logo was first introduced in connection with the TASER C2 (later rebranded as TASER Bolt) civilian energy weapon and is still in use today, including on civilian cartridges compatible with TASER Pulse and TASER Bolt 2.

Bolt within Circle Logo (2009)

First introduced in connection with the TASER X3, the “Bolt within Circle Logo” features a stylized lightning bolt striking through a circle. This logo is still in use today, including in connection with the TASER X1, TASER X2, and TASER X26P.

Lightning Bolt in Circle Logo (2018)

The “Lightning Bolt in Circle Logo” was introduced with the TASER 7 and features an outline of a lightning bolt within a filled circle. This logo is also featured on some of our civilian offerings, including the TASER Pulse, TASER Bolt 2, and TASER StrikeLight.

Filled Lightning Bolt in Circle (2023)

The newest TASER brand logo, the “Filled Lightning Bolt in Circle Logo” was introduced with our latest TASER energy weapon, the TASER 10. This logo depicts a lightning bolt flanked on either side by curved lines.

Axon Yellow

The iconic yellow color known today as Axon Yellow is synonymous with the high-quality energy weapons produced by Axon under the TASER brand. Axon Yellow is more than a color: the yellow handle instantly brings assurance built by decades of technological advancements.

The first energy weapon in the world to be produced with a yellow handle was the AIR TASER model 34001 Sports Defender, released in 1995. The yellow handle instantly became recognizable as a symbol of the TASER brand. Since then, many of our TASER devices have been released in models featuring Axon Yellow handles. Axon Yellow has been featured on models of the ADVANCED TASER M26 (1999), TASER X26 (2003), TASER X12 (2007), TASER X3 (2009), TASER X2 (2011), TASER X26P (2013), TASER 7 (2018), and TASER 10 (2023), together with many of our civilian TASER energy weapon models. Check out the Evolution of the TASER Energy Weapon for more information about some of these legacy devices.

True to Axon’s mission to Protect Life, the power of the instantly recognizable Axon Yellow handle is undeniable. For the carrier of the TASER energy weapon, the yellow handle provides peace of mind that they are holding a trusted less-lethal device.

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